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You probably think of cucumbers as a green vegetable that is used in salads but you may not know how good they are for you. Now the secret is out. These gems that are full of healthy nutrients and plant compounds are actually becoming part of a social media trend.
Even if you are not online frequently, you may have seen the viral cucumber salad videos that are on TikTok and other platforms, according to The Guardian. The trend was started by Logan Moffitt, now called the “cucumber guy” who has been posting his various cucumber salad recipes that now have millions of views. His first cucumber video was posted in July, 2024 and now there are thousands of recreations.
Moffitt’s method is easy: just slice a cucumber on a mandoline – or cut with a knife –, add ingredients to a container, and shake vigorously. He assures his viewers that this is a no-fail method. But no matter how you prepare them, add cukes to your diet and reap these seven health benefits.
Super Hydrating
Cucumbers are very hydrating. That’s because of the veggie’s 96 percent water content making it an important part of your daily water intake, according to verywell health. Another way to stay hydrated is to drink cucumber infused water. How much water you need depends on how much you exert yourself and sweat, but a good rule of thumb is that women need nine cups (2.1 liters) and men need 13 cups (3 liters) every day.

(New Africa Shutterstock.com)
Nutrient Rich
Cucumbers are full of important vitamins and minerals, according to Healthline, including 8 grams of vitamin C, 49 mc of Vitamin K, magnesium, potassium, protein, and fiber. A typical serving is about one-third of a cucumber. Don’t peel cucumbers before using in order to consume the most nutrients.

(Nina Firsova / Shutterstock.com)
Contains Antioxidants
Antioxidants are very important plant compounds that block oxidation and free radicals that can damage your cells. Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants, like cucumbers that contain flavonoids and tannins, can help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.

(DUSAN ZIDAR / Shutterstock.com)
Good for Your Gut
Cucumbers are good for your gut health because of the high-water content they contain. Since dehydration is a big factor in constipation, staying hydrated can help keep you regular. Cucumbers also contain pectin, a soluble fiber that plays a role in regulating bowel movements. Pectin also feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Enjoy fermented cucumbers that are rich in probiotics to maximize your gut health.

(New Africa / Shutterstock.com)
Promotes Heart Health
The flavonoids in cucumbers also benefit your cardiovascular health, stressed verywell health. That’s because these antioxidants help to prevent plaque buildup in arteries and blood clots as well as preventing free-radical damage.

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Could Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Cucumbers are antihyperglycemic; meaning that they could lower glucose levels in your blood. This is really important for diabetics who have problems with insulin control and must regulate their blood sugar. Eating cukes is an easy way for diabetics to help control blood sugar levels.

(Svetlana Monyakova / Shutterstock.com)
Promotes Bone Health
The high vitamin K content of cucumbers is very beneficial for bone health. Just one cup provides 10,2 mcg of the daily recommended amount. Vitamin K also helps to improve calcium absorption, according to Medical News Today. This is especially important for people with osteoporosis, a condition that causes a loss of bone mass and fragile bones that are prone to breaks.

(denio109 / Shutterstock.com)