Explore the Healing Power of Sunlight and Moonlight

Bask in the benefits of these celestial bodies.


The moon reflecting on water.

(johnpluto / Shutterstock.com)

The sun and moon are constant companions shining down on the Earth. The sun supports life by providing its warming light and energy each day. The moon offers its power, controlling the tides and lighting up the night sky. 

You can use the healing powers of these celestial bodies to help you feel your best, according to the spirituality site Soul Light Universal. Allow the sun to shine a light and brighten your mood. Then, take to the night sky, to call in the intuitive moon energy to feel calm and connected to the universe. 

Benefits of Sunlight
For 4.5 billion years, the sun has sat at the center of our solar system, according to NASAThe hot glowing star greets each day with morning light. Without the sun’s energy, life as we know it could not exist on our planet. Sunlight has many benefits for your health and mood! 

Sunlight provides healthy vitamin D
Despite its name, vitamin D is actually a hormone that plays an important role in bone strength and a healthy immune system, according to Medical News Today. The body produces vitamin D through sun exposure. That makes spending a little time in the sunshine important to keep your vitamin D levels healthy, so you feel your best. For healthy sun exposure, aim to get between 15 to 20 minutes a day of sunshine. 

Sunlight supports healthy sleep cycles 
If you want better rest at night, spend some time in the sun during the day. Light helps regulate sleep by letting your brain know when it’s time to wake up and go to bed, explained verywell health

As the sun goes down, the amount of light detected by the eyes decreases. This causes your brain to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone that lets your body know it’s time to sleep. So, if you want to sleep better, start the day by going outside to get some natural light. Then, once the sun goes down, avoid light to let your brain know it’s time to go to bed.

Sunlight boosts your mood
If you’ve ever gotten a bout of the winter blues, you’re not alone. During the fall and winter months, many people feel a dip in their mood when the amount of daylight decreases. That’s because a lack of sunlight may affect the way the brain’s hypothalamus works and results in a low mood, according to The National Health Service. Spending more time in the sun can help remedy the winter blues.

Benefits of Moonlight
You probably have spent time soaking up some rays while sunbathing. But what about moon bathing? This centuries-old tradition involves connecting with the moon’s energy and healing power, according to the yoga encyclopedia Yogapedia. So, what kind of benefits can you gain from moonbathing?

The moon encourages self-reflection
We can see the moon thanks to the sun’s reflection against its surface. With that in mind, the moon represents personal reflection, a chance to look inward. According to Oprah Daily, this practice known as “moon mapping” uses the phases of the moon as a guide.

The glowing full moon energy encourages  you to take a clear view of your life, to focus on healing, and release that which no longer serves you. The dark, new moon calls upon you to set intentions and goals. These monthly moon healing practices help you  connect with yourself and listen more closely to your inner voice.

The moon enhances fertility
Like the moon, women’s bodies follow a 28 day cycle, and women can naturally sync their reproductive cycles with the moon to optimize fertility, according to Natural Health. Eggs usually develop during the first quarter during the waxing moon phase. Then, on the full moon, the egg reaches maturity. Menstruation follows at the end of the moon cycle. With this in mind, women can take advantage of moments of peak fertility as well as better understand their bodies by observing the phases of the moon. 

The moon helps calm the mind
You can feel more at peace and relaxed simply by looking up at the night sky. A study published in the European Journal of Ecopsychology found that regular stargazers experience feelings of awe, oneness with the universe, and a deeper sense of meaning.

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