Feng Shui Can Help You Rediscover Passion & Creativity Indoors

Create a peaceful, prosperous living space with these 5 feng shui living room, bedroom and workspace decor tips.

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Creating a living space that makes us feel comfortable and creative is an important part of feeling good. Rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy, feng shui means designing an environment that harmonizes with the universe’s invisible qi energy, a driving life force that animates all forms. 

Just a few simple tweaks can give you a feng shui living room, bedroom or workspace that can make all the difference. Moving a desk to a different part of the room or hanging inspiring artwork, you’ll open your life to greater joy, creativity, and balance. So get inspired with these feng shui design tips. 

1. Energetically clean your home

The space where you spend your time the most affects your mood. A clean, organized home creates an ambiance of freshness and positivity. Start your feng shui journey by getting rid of clutter. Sell or donate the things that you no longer use. Then give your home and outdoor area a good scrub, removing dust and disinfecting surfaces. Finally, clearing rituals like burning sage or incense can clean the area energetically.

What to avoid: Dirty windows
Windows open our homes to sunlight and opportunity. In feng shui, it’s important to keep windows clean so you never block out the joy and possibilities from your life.

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2. Command any room

In feng shui, the command position means to place essential furniture items, like a bed, sofa, or desk, in a part of the room that puts you in control. In an office, the desk should face the doorway, a placement that opens your life to business opportunities and wealth. Sofas should also sit facing the entrance and allow open space in the room.

Moving on to the bedroom: think of this as a vulnerable area of the home, where you spend most of your time asleep. Therefore, your bed should go up against a wall facing the door, to have the widest, most secure view of the room. Arrange kid’s beds and cribs in the same way to keep children in command of their rooms, too 

What to avoid: Blocked doors
Doors are important in feng shui because they provide portals for energy. Allow energy to flow freely and make sure that doors can open and close at least 90 degrees. Remove any obstacles, like clutter or furniture, that block doorways.

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3. Create an inspirational space

Your living area and work space should inspire! Maybe it’s a painting from your favorite artist or photos from a vacation with your family. Set up your record collection in the living room for easy listening. Some even create vision boards as a visualization technique to achieve hopes and dreams. Make sure your space includes the things that spark creativity.

What to avoid: Crooked or low hanging artwork
Remember that feng shui relates to the qi, or energy, in the home. If artwork in the home is crooked or hangs too low, that will reflect your creative energy. 

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4. Set the tone

Color is very powerful, as it is an expression of light. It has played an important role in feng shui for centuries, and now researchers are exploring the way different tones impact how we feel. In feng shui, you can use appropriate color choices to optimize your living space.
The use of color in feng shui relates to the five elements, with colors that inspire different moods:

Wood: Uplifting greens and browns

Fire: Bold, daring reds, yellows, and oranges

Earth: Grounding pale yellow and light brown

Metal: Clarifying whites and grays

Water: Free-flowing blues and black

What to avoid: The wrong color choice
When decorating, consider the use of each room. If you want to create a calming study for quiet and reflection, avoid lively, extroverted colors like orange. In a social space, like the living room, brown can bring energy levels down.

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5. Restore balance with the five elements

You can use elemental energy to bring balance to your life. For example, if your life lacks stability, earth tones like light yellow and brown can help you feel more grounded. When you feel unorganized and lacking in direction, the metal elements, like grays, whites, or metallics, inspire greater clarity and precision. When you feel dull and frigid, add some fiery red to spark passion.

What to avoid: Fixed decor choices
Our energy flows and changes as we go through life. You’ll want to create a space that can adapt with those changes. For more permanent decor, like wall paint or furniture, go for neutral, balancing colors like green. You can then add less-permanent additions, like potted red begonias, for a pop of fiery red that you can easily switch out when you like.

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