How Being in the Moment Makes You Happy [INFOGRAPHIC]

Along with putting a smile on your dial, being present can improve memory, sporting performance and concentration.

Special Collections: MINDFUL LIVING


Being present

Be here now (Roman Samborskyi /

How often are you really concentrated on the task at hand? According to this intriguing infographic from Presence, the mind wanders 47% of the time - to something other than what we’re actually doing. And why is this interesting? Because research shows that people are significantly happier when they’re paying attention to what they’re doing. It may sound counterintuitive, but this means that even if you’re doing something less than pleasurable - like sitting in a traffic jam, for example - you’ll actually be happier if you’re mindful of your experience than if you let your mind wander.
Scroll down to learn more about how being present can bring positive changes to your life - moment by moment.

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