How Beyonce is Showing Us that the Words We Use Really Do Matter [VIDEO]

A movement spearheaded by Sheryl Sandberg encouraging girls to be all that they can be

Jun 6, 2014
How Beyonce is Showing Us that the Words We Use Really Do Matter [VIDEO] | A movement spearheaded by Sheryl Sandberg encouraging girls to be all that they can be

Powerful women like Beyonce, Condolezza Rice and actress Jane Lynch have joined forces with Facebook CCO and founder of the nonprofit Lean In Sheryl Sandberg to create awareness about how young women are spoken to. Understanding the power of words and their effect on how people perceive themselves, Sandberg has zeroed in on the word bossy as being detrimental to building confidence in girls - causing them to be less ambitious or stand up for themselves. Providing a lot of food for thought, the powerful PSA ends with best statement, provided by Queen Bey no less, in which she states, " I'm not bossy. I'm the boss."

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