How to Reset Your Sundays

The perfect way to rest, recover, and get ready for the new week.

Try some new recipes as part of your Sunday reset.

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For many people, Saturdays are a day that is full of activities. Some people like to go to the mall and some people want to paint their kitchen. Sometimes Saturdays feel like an extension of the workweek. That’s why it is essential to reset your Sundays so you get to rest, recover and revitalize your mind, body, and soul.

Sundays are like a universal pause day, according to Parade. A Sunday reset can help stave off stress and burnout and help you to recharge your batteries. It’s No wonder that Sunday resets are trending on social media.

What Is a Sunday Reset?
A Sunday reset is a routine that allows you to recharge and at the same time to prepare yourself for the upcoming week at work or school. It’s a day for me-time and for doing some self-care. Your Sunday routine can start with waking up late, enjoying a leisurely brunch, taking a bubble bath, doing a skin care routine, or trying out a new recipe.

After relaxing and recharging, your routine should also include time to evaluate and plan what needs to be done before Monday. This can help you decide what your priorities should be. It can include meal prep, doing laundry, or organizing carpools. Planning ahead can make your workweek go a lot smoother.

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TikTok creator @jenna_bean014 told Parade that she breaks her Sunday reset into different categories that include self-care time, quality time, mental time, and environmental time for doing things like changing her sheets. All these categories ensures that she is balancing productivity and rest.

Some people are very organized so juggling the different Sunday reset categories comes naturally. For others, it takes a bit more planning. But the goal is to create a Sunday routine that works the best for you, stressed The Self Care Cabin blog.

Sunday resets help you gain control over your life
A Sunday reset is really about finding control over your busy life, according to Good Housekeeping. “[It] has a lot to do with finding ways to relax and feel peaceful, but also to create order when we are surrounded by so many things that are out of control,” women’s counsellor, Georgina Sturmer told the magazine.

“[It’s about] understanding the factors that make us feel stressed, and finding ways to tackle them before they escalate.”

For many people, creating order in their homes is a way to create order in their lives. “I clear away any clothes, nick-nacks, or things that need to be put away, that prevent me from thinking clearly… Research shows that people in chaotic environments have been found to feel more out of control of their lives and less likely to make better choices for their health and wellbeing” said self-improvement author Tanigh Carey.

However you use your Sunday reset, make sure that you include time to rest and recharge your batteries. A productive weekend will lead to a more organized and less stressed week.

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