Life Vest Inside's Global Kindness Mission [Q&A]

Meet Founder and CEO Orly Wahba who is harnessing the collective power of kindness to make the world a more loving place.

Jun 22, 2015


Orly Wahba gave a TED talk about the magic of kindness.  

Kindness really makes the world go round, especially when there are organizations like Life Vest Inside promoting the importance of being kind on a global level. Headed by Founder and CEO Orly Wahba, this cheery nonprofit is intent on enlisting like-minded people from around the world to be ambassadors for kindness, increasing the ripple effect of goodwill towards others. Learn more about what makes Life Vest Inside tick, with Wahba’s inspiring call to action to make the world a kinder, happier and more unified place. 

1. What is your organization’s mission?

To inspire, empower and train people of all backgrounds to lead with kindness.

2. What makes you guys different from the rest?

As I was reading the interview questions and came to question 2 and 4, a big smile came on my face, I began typing away and then I said - "WAIT!" Why not have our very own amazing, awesome Kindness Ambassador family share what they think are the three words that best describe LVI and what makes us different! So I posted something up on the Ambassador wall and BOOM I started receiving these heartfelt responses. Our impact can be found in the words of Ira Ghosh, from Pune, India, "Kindness, Kindness, Kindness. That's our very essence and core! LVI functions like a family organization but with global members."  Or the words of Soumya John,"We're not just a virtual group of people who connect, but we are actually a strong support system of individuals who genuinely care for each other." Maureen Daly posted, "Never before have I witnessed such a wide range of ethnicities, cultures, beliefs and backgrounds come together for one universal goal…Our ambassadors seem to have unanimously agreed that while the LVI community is spread far and wide with thousands of miles between us, we are all unified with one goal: to make the world a kinder, happier, more unified place!

Dance for Kindness 2015 pre-event promo in Colombia led by Group Leader Deivid Ocompo 

3. Offices or open work space?


4. What three words describe your organization?

Kindness, Empowerment, Love

Fun times at the LVI offices. 

5. What inspires you?

Just about everything! I've always been told I'm crazy passionate about things:) What can I say, I think there is something inspiring in everything and everyone - you just gotta train your eyes to see it!

6. What is the best part about your job?

Falling in love with people more and more each day! I absolutely love connecting to people from all over the world, from all different backgrounds. 

A great showing at LVI's 3rd annual Dance for Kindness event in Times Square, New York city

7. Does your team eat lunch together?

When we're all in the office together we do. We do lots of singing together too! Many of us work remotely, so Skype has become our best friend! 

8. Facebook or Twitter?

9. What do you want Goodnet users to know about your organization?

We're here with open arms psyched to get to know you and add you to our ever-growing family! 

Arts and Dreams event with volunteers at Brooklyn College

10. How can people get involved?

There are tons of ways to get involved! Below are just three of our initiatives that are fun and easy to join!

Dance for Kindness: Our largest worldwide event celebrating World Kindness Day. Dance for Kindness is a combination FreezeMob/FlashMob that takes place on the same day to the same song and dance, showing that regardless of our differences we can all unite under the banner of kindness. Last year the event took place in over 80 cities, 30 countries with over 10,000 participants. This year's event is taking place on Sunday, November 8, 2015! Click here to see the DFK2014 worldwide montage and get a glimpse at what it's all about! Whether you get involved as a Group Leader and organize an event in your city, or take part as a participant - this is an event you don't want to miss!

Kindness Ambassador ProgramTraining individuals from 120+ countries to lead with kindness. Our Ambassador group is truly one BIG global family of like-minded individuals on a mission to build a better world and make a change within their lives! Sign up to become an Ambassador!

Project Hope ExchangeThrough Project Hope Exchange (PHE) we collect, aggregate and share 30-second audio messages of hope from individuals that have been through some kind of adversity to others who are currently facing that same adversity. Click here to watch the video and see what it’s all about and start to Give Hope and Get Hope all in 30 seconds!