Reasons Why Humility is Good for Your Wellbeing

Staying humble is the key to living an ethical life.

Being humble allows you to appreciate your strengths and weaknesses.

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Humility is a very valuable character trait. While society sometimes looks at being humble as something negative, the opposite is actually the case. That’s because humility is the ability to have an accurate view of who you are, according to verywell mind, and the self-esteem to understand your talents without being boastful or arrogant.

Being humble actually helps you develop a kinder, more empathetic approach to interacting with others and influences how you view the world around you.  In fact, people who practice humility are less self-involved and far more attuned to the feelings of the people around them.

Psychologists have recently rediscovered the importance of humility in society, according to Positive Psychology. Adapting a humble mindset increases overall psychological wellbeing and helps to ensure social functioning.

The benefits of being humble include better learning, enhanced creativity, and more engagement. It is actually a better performance predictor than IQ.

Humility is a core ethical belief
Humility plays an important role in ancient ethical and spiritual frameworks. The Greek philosopher Socrates held that wisdom is knowing and accepting that we do not know and understand everything.

In ancient Eastern  philosophy, humility is a positive good to enhance social cohesion and your sense of belonging. Confucious valued social good over an individual’s aspirations.

These early views of humility and the avoidance of arrogance and excess pride are still a core concept in today’s views about humility.

How you can be more humble
Humility can help you develop self-growth and self-awareness explained verywell mind. That’s because it allows you to be comfortable with who you are and to seek to improve yourself. While humility is a virtue, it can also be cultivated. Here’s five ways you can learn to become humble .

Pride is not negative
Having pride in the right things is not a negative trait. Taking pride in yourself, your beliefs, and your culture shows that you are confident in your accomplishments and the way you achieved them. It is only when pride is devoid of humility that it becomes a negative trait.

Understand yourself
When you understand your strengths and weaknesses you can work to improve yourself. Psychologists see overly high self-esteem as a result of insecurities. Often, these insecurities or past experiences are the source of egoistic and self-righteous behavior. Understanding yourself can help curb this behavior.

Compliment others
When you acknowledge the accomplishments of other people, you focus less on yourself. While focusing on the feelings of others, you can become a more empathetic and kinder person.

Stand up for yourself
Do not confuse being humble with being a pushover and letting people walk over you. Stand up for yourself and what you believe in. If you allow people to take advantage of you can take a toll on your own wellbeing. So taking care of yourself will allow you  to be more considerate of others.

Choose positive role models
Choosing humble role models is important in today’s self-absorbed culture, stressed Positive Psychology. Instead of looking up to entertainers or sports stars who exhibit selfish and egotistical behavior, pick people who are philanthropic and dedicate themselves to helping others. Humble people like Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King, Jr used their gifts, their energies, and their time to help others while remaining modest about their achievements.

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