Tasty Fruit Jerky Made from Discarded Fruit

Snact is reducing food waste by creating a product that converts unwanted fruit into a healthy snack.

Fruit jerky

Snact fruit jerky. (P Maxwell Photography / Shutterstock.com)

Perfectly good food, from produce to grains, gets chucked to the garbage in staggering amounts – we’re talking about over 1.3 billion tonnes a year worldwide. Two childhood best friends from the UK are looking to make a dent in that statistic with their new social enterprise Snact. The recently crowd-funded business makes tasty fruit jerky from fruit that would otherwise be thrown away. The process is simple: fruit is blended and dehydrated at a low temperature for a couple of hours, sans added preservatives or additives.
The fruity fare is currently being sold in UK markets, pop up events and in the shop Brixton Cornercopia in Bristol, but the duo is working on an online store, to reach even more hungry mouths. As their business grows, Snact aims to employ people who were directly affected by food poverty.
Snact are not the only folks bucking the food waste trend - each day more organizations are cropping up and awareness is being raised concerning how to convert discarded and edible food into delectable and delicious meals. To play your part in reducing food waste, you can think about what you are buying, how much you really need and what you are realistically going to eat. If you are out at a restaurant, don’t be scared to request smaller portions. And if you do end up with leftovers, make certain that someone will enjoy them!

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