
Hyperakt is an independent NYC design firm with a passion for creating work that effects change in the world around us: meaningful design for the common good. Hyperakt works with clients who fight for justice, celebrate culture and diversity, spread knowledge and engage in social entrepreneurship.

True Colors Fund

The True Colors Fund empowers the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (GLBT) and allied community to volunteer and support the organizations working on their behalf.

Rainbow World Fun

Rainbow World Fund is an international humanitarian aid charity based in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and friends community.


GlobalGiving is a charity fundraising web site that gives social entrepreneurs and non-profits from anywhere in the world a chance to raise the money that they need to improve their communities. Since 2002, GlobalGiving has raised $65,875,018 from 267,064 donors who have supported 5,727 projects.

Give Well

GiveWell is an independent, nonprofit charity evaluator. We find outstanding giving opportunities and publish the full details of our analysis to help donors decide where to give.

Donors Choose is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need. Public school teachers from every corner of America post classroom project requests on Requests range from pencils for a poetry writing unit, to violins for a school recital, to microscope slides for a biology class. Then, you can browse project requests and give any amount to the one that inspires you. Once a project reaches its funding goal, we deliver the materials to the school.


BRAC is a development success story, spreading solutions born in Bangladesh to 10 other countries around the world – a global leader in creating opportunity for the world’s poor. What started out as a limited relief operation in 1972 in a remote village of Bangladesh, has turned into the largest development organization in the world. Organizing the poor using communities’ own human and material resources, it catalyzes lasting change, creating an ecosystem in which the poor have the chance to seize control of their own lives. We do this with a holistic development approach geared toward inclusion, using tools like microfinance, education, healthcare, legal services, community empowerment and more. Our work now touches the lives of an estimated 126 million people, with staff and BRAC-trained entrepreneurs numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

Greater Good™ partners with and funds leading nonprofit organizations around the world in order to alleviate poverty and hunger, promote peace, address cancer and other widespread health problems, foster literacy and provide education, preserve vital habitats in peril, and provide protection and care to vulnerable animals.


We’re not a charity, we’re a group of people committed to helping others. Every week, will highlight a different charity and call on you, those willing and happy to help others, to donate directly to that charity. Don’t feel like donating to one of the featured charities for whatever reason? No problem. Donate to a cause you love.

You've probably heard of the Six Degrees concept. Any one person (including me, Kevin Bacon) is connected to any other person through six or fewer relationships, because it's a small world. is about using this idea to accomplish something good. It's social networking with a social conscience.
Through this website, you can support your favorite charities by donating or creating fundraising badges — as well as check out the favorite causes of other people, including celebrities.  You can also pay it forward with Good Cards® - gift cards for charity that can be redeemed as a donation to more than 1 million charities.

Free Rice

Not your average online trivia game. Freerice is an online educational game, that allows you to raise 10 grains of rice for every correct answer you choose. So far, it's raised enough to feed over 5 million people. The game is run by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme. Rice up against hunger!