Voice of Witness

Voice of Witness is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit book series that empowers those most closely affected by contemporary social injustice. Using oral history as a foundation, the series depicts human rights crises around the world through the stories of the men and women who experience them.

Search for Common Ground

Search for Common Ground works to prevent and end violent conflict in countries that are experiencing violence, facing the threat of it, or dealing with its effects. With a 31 year track record, we work to equip individuals and societies with the knowledge and skills to find alternatives to violent conflict. By understanding and tackling the root causes of conflict, we help communities to deal with their differences constructively.


Idealist connects people, organizations, and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives. Idealist is independent of any government, political ideology, or religious creed. Our work is guided by the common desire of our members and supporters to find practical solutions to social and environmental problems, in a spirit of generosity and mutual respect.

Love For The Elderly

So many elderly citizens in our nation have no one to care for them, no one to look after them, no one to love them. Help in giving seniors the love and attention they deserve. Love For The Elderly collects anonymous letters of kindness and distributes them to elderly citizens throughout America.


Indicorps is a non-partisan, non-religious, non-profit organization with its India operations based out of Ahmedabad, Gujarat.  Indicorps’ objectives are multifold: providing Indians from all over the world with a channel to reconnect with India and with the means to contribute to its development, while fostering a new generation of socially-conscious global leaders.


Meetup is the world's largest network of local groups. Meetup makes it easy for anyone to organize a local group or find one of the thousands already meeting up face-to-face. More than 2,000 groups get together in local communities each day, each one with the goal of improving themselves or their communities.

Partners for Livable Communities

Partners for Livable Communities is a national nonprofit organization working to restore and renew the communities we work and live in. Partners has over thirty years of experience in solving community problems by providing information, leadership and guidance that help communities help themselves. We welcome the opportunity to bring our experience to your community.

Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)

AAC&U is the leading national association concerned with the quality, vitality, and public standing of undergraduate liberal education. Its members are committed to extending the advantages of a liberal education to all students, regardless of academic specialization or intended career. Founded in 1915, AAC&U now comprises more than 1,250 member institutions—including accredited public and private colleges, community colleges, and universities of every type and size.

Netherlands Centre for Social Development (MOVISIE)

MOVISIE is the Netherlands centre for social development. Our mission is to promote the participation and independence of citizens. We do this by supporting and advising professional organizations, volunteer organizations and government institutions. Five themes are central to our work: effectiveness and professionalisation; participation and inclusion; domestic and sexual violence; social care; local citizenship.

Social Teeth

Social Teeth helps launch the voices of real people into the national conversation. What you see on Social Teeth are political messages created by political underdogs, everyday people, and grassroots organizations. 


We’re an environmental charity. We make environmental matters matter, creating fun campaigns, that people latch onto and which go on to have a life of their own. Our approach is positive. We believe sustainability can and should be fun, enjoyable and sociable and so engage people through campaigns around food, fashion, sport, homes and neighbourhoods.

Charter for Compassion

The Charter of Compassion is a cooperative effort to restore not only compassionate thinking but, more importantly, compassionate action to the center of religious, moral and political life. Compassion is the principled determination to put ourselves in the shoes of the other, and lies at the heart of all religious and ethical systems. One of the most urgent tasks of our generation is to build a global community where men and women of all races, nations and ideologies can live together in peace. In our globalized world, everybody has become our neighbor, and the Golden Rule has become an urgent necessity.

Social Actions

Social Actions is making it easier for people to find and share opportunities to make a difference. Supports initiatives that help people engage with the causes they care about. Champions collaborations that advance the work of social innovators. Develops open source software that adds a philanthropic layer to the web.

AJEEC-NISPED (Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation – Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development)

Founded in 1998, AJEEC-NISPED is an Arab-Jewish organization based in Israel’s Negev, dedicated to strengthening active citizenship through education and economic empowerment. AJEEC-NISPED works towards creating equal, inclusive and flourishing societies. Our programming includes an array of strategies including economic development through formation of cooperatives and social enterprises, volunteerism, quality early childhood education, health promotion, and Jewish-Arab partnership.

New Economics Foundation (nef)

Nef (the new economics foundation) is an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being. We aim to improve quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues. We work in partnership and put people and the planet first.