Bullitt Center

The Bullitt Center will be the greenest, most energy efficient commercial building in the world, firmly planting Seattle at the forefront of the green building movement.This six-story, 50,000 square-foot building will be located at the intersection of Capitol Hill and the Central District in Seattle, Washington. The goal of the Bullitt Center is to change the way buildings are designed, built and operated to improve long-term environmental performance and promote broader implementation of energy efficiency, renewable energy and other green building technologies in the Northwest.


Leafully helps you understand your energy usage so you can make smart choices. Energy units can be hard to understand, so Leafully brings it down to something simple: a tree. Leafully will show you how many trees are needed to offset the emissions from your energy consumption and show you actions you can take to reduce your impact.


Our mission is to help people improve their quality of life by offering information and products for sustainable living.
A higher quality of life, in our minds, means more time with family and friends, a lower cost of living, a toxin-free home and yard, access to wholesome food and safe drinking water, and more time spent in nature.
Sustainable living is about respecting the limits of the earth's capacity to provide. We look for solutions that lead to a simpler, more self-sufficient way of living. At Eartheasy, we believe we can enrich our lives and ensure a healthy future while also reducing our impact on the environment.

The Greenhouse of the Future

The Greenhouse of the Future is an innovative and strategic design, built of recycled and natural materials, that interacts with the natural phenomena of the planet in order to create the ideal environment for growth and abundance. The technologies and concepts that have inspired the design of this greenhouse have been proven by over 40 years of research and development by Michael Reynolds’ Earthship homes as well as the many studies on passive solar greenhouses.


The Seabin is an automated rubbish bin that catches floating rubbish, oil, fuel and detergents. It designed for floating docks in the water of marinas, private pontoons, inland waterways, residential lakes, harbours, water ways, ports and yacht clubs.

Hope Phones

We created the Hope Phones campaign in 2009 as an innovative way to fund the global efforts of Medic Mobile, our parent organization that advances healthcare in 11 countries with mobile technology. Half a million cell phones are discarded in the United States every day and pollute the environment with tons of plastic and persistent toxins like lead, nickel, beryllium, and cadmium. Cell phone recycling through Hope Phones reduces hazardous waste in our communities responsibly, while providing a real public health benefit abroad.
If Hope Phones can recycle just 1% of disposed phones each year, we can outfit 1 million health workers, improving the lives of 50 million people. 


WeWOOD is a leader in sustainable and eco-friendly fashion accessories. Their wooden watches are made from mostly reclaimed scrap wood. WeWOOD plants a tree for every watch that is purchased. Their partners, American Forests and Trees for the Future, have helped them to plant more than 300,000 trees since they began doing business in 2010.

Amazon Aid Foundation

The Amazon Aid Foundation is a nonprofit organization that raises awareness about environmental issues in the Amazon rainforest through collaborative art, music, and multimedia projects with a focus of educating youth around the world. Through interactive donor campaigns, Amazon Aid also provides solutions for protecting the rainforest by partnering with dedicated scientists and local organizations on the ground.

Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth strives for a more healthy and just world. We understand that the challenges facing our planet call for more than half measures, so we push for the reforms that are needed, not merely the ones that are politically easy. Sometimes, this involves speaking uncomfortable truths to power and demanding more than people think is possible. It's hard work. But the pressures facing our planet and its people are too important for us to compromise.
Friends of the Earth, as an outspoken leader in the environmental and progressive communities, seeks to change the perception of the public, media and policy makers--and effect policy change--with hard-hitting, well-reasoned policy analysis and advocacy campaigns that describe what needs to be done, rather than what is seen as politically feasible or politically correct. This hard-hitting advocacy has been the key to our successful campaigns over our 42-year history.

Blue Marine Foundation

BLUE exists to fix the largest solvable problem on the planet - the crisis in the oceans.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is a bureau within the Department of the Interior. Our mission is to work with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people

Nature Iraq

Nature Iraq is an Iraqi non-governmental organization registered in Iraq, accredited to the United Nations Environment Programme  (UNEP) and Iraq’s first and only Affiliate to Birdlife International, and the only Middle Eastern member of the Waterkeeper Alliance.
Nature Iraq was created to protect, restore, and preserve Iraq’s natural environment and the rich cultural heritage that it nourishes.


SeaWeb is the only international, nonprofit organization exclusively dedicated to using the science of communications to fundamentally shift the way people interact with the ocean. We transform knowledge into action by shining a spotlight on workable, science-based solutions to the most serious threats facing the ocean, such as climate change, pollution and depletion of marine life. 

Open Source Beehives

The Open Source Beehives project is a collaborative response to the threat faced by bee populations in industrialised nations around the world. The project proposes to design hives that can support bee colonies in a sustainable way, to monitor and track the health and behaviour of a colony as it develops. Each hive contains an open source sensory kit, The Smart Citizen Kit (SCK), which can transmit to an open data platform.

Sustainable Friends

Sustainable Friends is a non-profit space where you can share information, ideas and change making to inspire people committed to environment. It is free to sign up, to add an initiative and to contribute to a initiative.This is possible because contributors offer support, resources or contribute economically directly to the author.