Nature Valley Trail View

Nature Valley is expanding its commitment to preserving the national parks through Nature Valley Trail View – a new digital platform that encourages outdoor exploration and education. Nature Valley Trail View offers 300-plus miles of immersive national parks content, through panoramic views and interactive guides to three of America’s most iconic national parks. A blend of boots-on-the-ground fieldwork and future-forward digital technology, Nature Valley Trail View offers views of trails at Grand Canyon, Great Smoky Mountains and Yellowstone National Parks.

Our Future Planet

Our Future Planet (OFP) is an online community and think tank which aims to be the platform to create global change in the real world today. Our long term goal is to harness the innovative ideas created through the website to write and publish a ‘Planetary Constitution.’ This is a huge undertaking, but one that can be achieved through the mass global co-operation seen with OFP. Our platform gives each and every one of you a serious voice and by contributing to OFP you really can help shape the future of the planet. 

GBO Hawai’i

GBO Hawai’i is the first sustainability themed board game for a mass market audience. Through private sector investment in sustainable businesses, (a field known as impact investing), players are able to help the state of Hawai’i meet its sustainability goals, reducing fossil fuel consumption, advancing the local and organic food movement, and reducing waste generation.

American Rivers

American Rivers is the leading organization working to protect and restore the nation’s rivers and streams.  Rivers connect us to each other, nature, and future generations.  Since 1973, American Rivers has fought to preserve these connections, helping protect and restore more than 150,000 miles of rivers through advocacy efforts, on-the-ground projects, and the annual release of America’s Most Endangered Rivers™. 
Headquartered in Washington, DC, American Rivers has offices across the country and more than 100,000 supporters, members, and volunteers nationwide.

Parks Project

Becoming emotionally and physically invested in our nations parks is the most effective way to implement park conservation. We energize citizens to take ownership of our public lands. That is the pure purpose of our business and what inspired us to create a collection of outfitter influenced apparel and accessories.


For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature. The world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States and close to 5 million globally. WWF's unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.


Blue Marine Foundation

BLUE exists to fix the largest solvable problem on the planet - the crisis in the oceans.

The Ecologist

The world’s leading environmental affairs magazine, now, was founded in 1970 by Edward Goldsmith. The magazine quickly became a platform for those who would go on to be the leading lights of the environmental movement.

Conservation International

People depend on nature for many things. A stable climate. Clean air. Fresh water. Abundant food. Cultural resources. And the incalculable additional benefits the world’s biodiversity provides. Conservation International (CI) works to ensure a healthy and productive planet for us all.

Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth strives for a more healthy and just world. We understand that the challenges facing our planet call for more than half measures, so we push for the reforms that are needed, not merely the ones that are politically easy. Sometimes, this involves speaking uncomfortable truths to power and demanding more than people think is possible. It's hard work. But the pressures facing our planet and its people are too important for us to compromise.
Friends of the Earth, as an outspoken leader in the environmental and progressive communities, seeks to change the perception of the public, media and policy makers--and effect policy change--with hard-hitting, well-reasoned policy analysis and advocacy campaigns that describe what needs to be done, rather than what is seen as politically feasible or politically correct. This hard-hitting advocacy has been the key to our successful campaigns over our 42-year history.


Conserving biodiversity is central to the mission of IUCN. We demonstrate how biodiversity is fundamental to addressing some of the world’s greatest challenges: tackling climate change, achieving sustainable energy, improving human well-being and building a green economy.

Natural Resources Defense Council

NRDC is the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the grassroots power of 1.3 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals.

Open Tree Map

OpenTreeMap is a collaborative platform for crowdsourced tree inventory, ecosystem services calculations, urban forestry analysis, and community engagement.


Ecofriend is for those who do not consider environment a separate entity; rather feel themselves an integral part of it. The idea behind Ecofriend is simple: to inform and educate consumers who love to possess the latest gadgets and products available in the market and who are also concerned about the environment around them. The main focus of Ecofriend is to highlight latest green technologies, lifestyle trends and help combat global warming among a host of other environmental problems.

Chicago Trees Initiative

The Chicago Trees Initiative is a city-wide, public-private effort to plant, care for and advocate for trees. This means many more trees will be planted in our great city, which is already known for its green urban spaces. And more important, existing trees will have better care – the best strategy for meeting our urban forest canopy goal. Every Chicago resident – and indeed, anyone who cares about trees has an important role to play. The goal invites all of us to be involved in planting and caring for trees on public and private land throughout the city.