Your energy level dictates how productive you will be as well as affecting your mood throughout the day. When you’re not feeling your best, you can quickly boost your energy level by doing a few simple things. It can be as easy as breathing more deeply, going for a walk in peaceful nature, or waking up early in the morning. You have the power to revitalize your physical and mental energy whenever you are demotivated!
Here are 5 simple but effective ways to boost your energy. They will leave you feeling more optimistic, productive, and resilient!
1. Set daily intentions
You must find your purpose in life. Your purpose will fuel you. Intentions give you purpose, so ensure that you set intentions daily. When you set a very clear vision of how your day will go, you create a roadmap and reminder for how to live out each day. This makes you put focus and care into situations that arise and their outcomes.
Setting daily intentions allows you to live in the moment. It raises your emotional energy so that you are able to recover more quickly from difficult moments. When you visualize your intentions, you will gain the inspiration and motivation needed to achieve your purpose.
2. Sleep, eat and exercise well
When you set daily intentions, you train your mind. When you go to sleep early, exercise daily to combat sedentary lifestyles, and keep to a healthy diet, you train your body to maintain energy levels for longer.
By sleeping early, you allow your body to re-energize, ensuring that you will remain alert throughout the day. By exercising, your heart rate goes up, raising your energy levels. Stay hydrated and eat energizing foods. These include fruits like apples or bananas, proteins such as salmon or tuna, complex carbohydrates including brown rice or sweet potatoes, and healthy fats like avocados and seeds. These foods will make you feel full and energetic for longer.
3. Work hard early on in the day
When we think “I have been productive today,” we are generally thinking “I have managed my time well today.” But it is exhausting to measure productivity this way. If you try to power through a heavy workload every day, you will only tire yourself out. You cannot always use up your physical and mental energy; you must also conserve it. To have a constant source of energy you must manage your energy levels.
When you go to sleep early, you can also wake up early. Getting important work done early in the morning lets you maintain your energy because there are fewer distractions in the first four hours of the work day. It is easier to concentrate and be productive early in the morning. Once you have gotten the most difficult work out of the way, you won’t feel the taxing demands of a hectic work schedule for the rest of the day, and you will be amazed at how much time you have left for yourself.
4. Spend time outdoors in nature
The quickest way to re-energize is to benefit from some sunlight and fresh air. These stimuli give you a greater sense of vitality, which helps your body become more resilient.
When you are feeling demotivated, go for a brisk, reinvigorating walk through green, tree-lined streets. You will feel the stress leaving your body, resulting in more energy and a clearer mind.
5. Connect with supportive people
You don’t always have to do everything by yourself! Connect with positive, supportive people who encourage you in your endeavors. This will energize you and make it a lot easier for you to pick yourself up when you’ve lost the motivation to be your best self.
If you have people in your life that reap your energy and don't make you feel positive, then maybe it's time to spend more time in the company of friends who uplift rather than sap you.