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Smudging, the practice of burning sage bundles, is known to cleanse spaces and spirits of negative energy. Rooted in Native American and other indigenous cultures, this popular ritual is used to purify environments, promote wellbeing, and create a sense of calm. Smudge to bring positive energy into your life, home, and work space.
Cleansing with sage purifies spaces and energizes.
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Burning sacred herbs for cleansing
The tradition involves burning sacred herbs, especially sage, to cleanse a space, object, or person of negative energy, according to mindbodygreen mindfulness. As the practice is considered sacred and deserves respect, it should be done with intention, reverence, and gratitude to the cultural practices.
You will need a sage bundle, an abalone shell or clay bowl for burning, matches, and a fanning tool. First set an intention and focus your energy to enhance the effectiveness of the practice. Light the end of the sage bundle with a match, allowing it to burn for a few seconds, then gently blow out the flame, advises verywell mind. The sage should smolder, releasing thick smoke.
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To cleanse a space, move around clockwise, allowing the smoke to waft into all areas, recommends Natural Living Ideas. Pay special attention to corners, which are said to accumulate stagnant energy. Visualize the smoke clearing negative energy as you go.
When cleansing yourself, Healthline suggests directing the smoke around your body. For objects, simply direct the smoke around and over them. When you are done, press the burning end of the sage bundle into sand or dirt to extinguish it. Now that you know how to smudge, learn five important benefits of burning sage.
May enhance cognition
Sage may have cognitive-enhancing benefits. A review of studies is promising, showing potential effects for conditions like dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The properties of sage used in smudging are also shown to improve memory and focus.
Purifies and cleans
Certain types of sage used in smudging have antimicrobial properties, explains Healthline. White prairie sage (Artemisia ludoviciana) and white sage (Salvia apiana) are both antimicrobial and antibacterial. This suggests that the practice may help clear the air of pathogens and create a cleaner environment.
As smudging releases negative ions, it neutralizes positive ions such as pollution, pet dander, dust, and mold. This is great news for those with allergies, asthma, and breathing conditions. Just be careful not to inhale the smoke while cleansing as it could irritate the lungs. Plus, it clears negative energy.
May improve quality of sleep
Those same negative ions inspire calm and relaxation, according to Natural Living Ideas. This, in turn, reduces blood pressure, tension, and regulates breathing – all contributing to a better night’s sleep. And while you are asleep, these busy negative ions may fight off free radicals that could lead to disease.
Cleanses negative energy
Smudge to clean a room, yourself, and objects, suggests Healthline. This could be a new purchase or a gift, and is especially important if the item is second-hand and you feel there could be negative energy attached to it. Give it a smudge for that purifying touch.
Enhances mood and may offer stress relief
Burning sage may help improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety, explains verywell mind. White sage contains compounds that activate certain receptors in the brain responsible for elevating mood levels and alleviating stress.
Negative ions produced by smudging sage affect serotonin levels, suggests Natural Living Ideas. As a result, sage is considered to be a natural antidepressant. Need a mood boost? Get smudging! Simply smelling its sweet fragrance offers a pick-me-up.
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