(Chamille White / Shutterstock.com)
Before there were doctor’s offices and pharmacies, people used to turn to the earth for natural healing from plants. Many of these herbs are still important ingredients in medicines today (some you might already have in your own kitchen). Use the healing properties of plants to feel healthy and strong. Check out these nine natural healing herbs and how to use them for wellness.
Allspice Berries & Leaves
The unripe berries and leaves of this evergreen tree can flavor your food, and may make you feel good! According to RxList, allspice may help with indigestion, abdominal pain as well as menstrual cramps. Use it to season your pumpkin pie and spice cake or include it in Jamaican jerk recipes to get all the wonderful benefits of allspice

(Narsil / Shutterstock.com)
Basil Basics
You probably use basil already to flavor pasta, pizza, or salads. A staple of any kitchen, this peppery herb may also calm an upset tummy. Traditionally, healers used basil to treat snakebites, colds, and inflammation, according to Medical News Today. It may also help prevent chronic diseases, thanks to its antioxidant properties

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Calming Chamomile
Chamomile has a long history as a healing herb. According to a study published in Molecular Medicine this daisy-like flower has medicinal qualities and has been used for a variety of ailments including:hay fever, inflammation, insomnia, to help heal ulcers, and wounds. Skip an apple a day and include chamomile tea in your daily wellness routine (or both!)

(Ekaterina Morgunova / Shutterstock.com)
Dash of Cinnamon
As far back as 2800 BC (perhaps even longer), people used cinnamon to treat ailments, according to a study in Pharmacognosy Research. Sweet and woody, this spice could help prevent some cancers, reduce inflammation, and may improve brain health. Add a dash to your coffee, oatmeal, or apple sauce for a sweet and healthy herbal remedy

(Sunflower Light Pro / Shutterstock.com)
Healing Dill
Humans have cultivated this aromatic herb since ancient times, according to Science Direct. It’s even mentioned in the Bible! Traditionally, people used dill to treat stomach pain and hiccups. Today, dill is used to help ward off infections and to soothe insect bites due to its healing properties. It also tastes great and adds a grassy-citrusy flavor to cream cheese, salmon, or salads.

(Chamille White / Shutterstock.com)
Pungent Ginger Root
Keep ginger on standby to treat an upset tummy. For centuries, people have used this pungent root as a home remedy for stomach pain and nausea (especially for morning sickness), according to Medical News Today. Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties and could help reduce inflammation. Ginger goes well in many Chinese recipes and also tastes great in tea with honey and lemon.

(Charoen Krung Photography / Shutterstock.com)
Soothing Lavender
This sweet-smelling purple flower grows in abundance all over the world and there are over 30 different species. A study from the journal Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine recommends lavender for a range of healing purposes. When applied to your skin, it may ease bug bites and infections. The flower is also believed to be calming. You can enjoy lavender tea for a soothing sip at the end of the day, or create your own sprays or essential oil to relax your skin.

(Cora Mueller / Shutterstock.com)
Marjoram for Balance
Similar to oregano but sweeter, the leaves and oil of this shrub have been used in folk medicine for years. According to WebMD, marjoram may relieve anxiety, balance hormones (especially in women), and prevent infections (including UTIs). Use marjoram to flavor meats and vegetables, or prepare a fresh marjoram soup.

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Cleansing Sage
Native Americans have burned sage for generations as a spiritual ritual to cleanse a person or space. But it is also known for its purification properties. Taz Bhatia, MD, an integrative health expert and author of Super Woman Rx told Oprah Daily that sage does in fact have antimicrobial and antibacterial healing properties. You can burn sage (also called smudging) to cleanse your home or add it to butter, soup, or pasta for an earthy, peppery taste.

(Adrian Today / Shutterstock.com)