What Can You Learn at Home? A lot More than You Think!

Take an online course, download a language app, or watch how to YouTube videos to learn new skills.

(Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.com)

When you are quarantined or social distancing, spending many weeks at home might seem like a daunting task. Afterall, how many old movies can you watch? But you don’t have to just waste time, you can learn to bake, knit, speak French, or to pick up a new work-skill. Turn your stay at home time into a bounty of new learning opportunities.

Meaningful Meditation

Learn how to meditate. Meditation can help you relieve stress and anxiety in these troubling times.  You can try this on your own by using a meditation App like Headspace, Stop, Breathe & Think:Meditate, Breethe – Guided Meditation & Mindfulness or check out these proven tips and techniques. All you need is a quiet space and around 20 minutes a day.

(Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock.com)

Learn a new Language

You may not be able to travel now but you can prepare for your next overseas adventure. Whether you always wanted to go to Oktoberfest in Munich or see the canals in Amsterdam, you can do some prep work now. You can learn German, Dutch, French, or 27 additional languages using Duolingo.

(Aleksandra Gigowska / Shutterstock.com)

Calligraphy Calling

Have you always wanted to learn how to hand address wedding invitations or award certificates? There’s a YouTube for that. Or online downloadable instructions. All you need is a broad tipped marker, brush or rapidograph pen, paper, some instructions and you are ready to go.

(Elizaveta Galitckaia / Shutterstock.com)

Learn New Dances

Don’t just sit around. Get up and dance. Dancing is fun, creative and is actually really good exercise. Whether you want to dust off your disco records or you just want to google how to do the Tango, now’s the time to do it. You can find dance music and instructions online.

(Elizaveta Galitckaia / Shutterstock.com)

Add a New Skill to Your CV

Want to improve your Excel skills or learn to code? Check out free Coursera courses or other online learning. You can check out Class Central to find one of the 250 plus inline courses they offer. Or you can find YouTube tutorials on how to do just about anything.

(Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.com)

Knit One Purl One

If you are crafty or not, you can take this stay-at-home time to learn how to knit, crochet, or do any type of craft you are interested in. The spruce Crafts has easy to follow instruction in articles like Knitting 101 that also include videos.

(Inna Vlasova / Shutterstock.com)

Learn to Cook Exotic Dishes

Did you always want to be a gourmet cook but you were afraid to try new recipes? Now’s your chance to experiment on yourself and your family. Find your cookbooks, get recipes online or tune into a cooking show and get cooking now.

(LightField Studios / Shutterstock.com)