HelloTalk is the first language exchange, social media networking app in the world (oneinchpunch / Shutterstock.com)
We’ve all heard the saying “practice makes perfect.” Whether it’s about driving a car, baking a cake, or playing the piano, perfecting a skill is all about putting it to use. Learning a language is no different. To bring up yet another idiom, “use it, so you don’t lose it.” Simply put, mastering a new language is all about speaking it.
A new smartphone app in the online language-learning community uses cutting-edge technology to make that learning possible, all the while acting as a gateway to new experiences and making new friends. More than just an app to master Spanish, English, French or any of the 100 languages available, HelloTalk connects users with native speakers and provides an interface for text and voice messages.
The free smartphone app offers a number of features that facilitate language learning and sharing – from voice and text chat, to doodle and camera sharing, translation, transliteration and voice recognition. Benny Lewis, author of Fluent in 3 months, described the experience of using HelloTalk as “Whatsapp, but with a public database of “friends” for the sole purpose of language practice.”
One of the most common barriers to conversing in a new language is the fear of making mistakes - which is why HelloTalk provides a way for users to practice speaking without feeling embarrassed. While there’s always the option to reply using text, the voice recognition system automatically converts spoken words to grammatically-correct text before sending it to the language partner.
What really makes HelloTalk unique is that it connects people - not only over their devices - but offline, too. The app has a search feature for users to find language partners in their area with the purpose of meeting up for an exchange. There is no better way to learn a new language. As the experts say, “interacting in the new language is key.”
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