This American Life
http://www.thisamericanlife.orgThis American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 1.8 million listeners. There's a theme to each episode, and a variety of stories on that theme. It's mostly true stories of everyday people, though not always. There's lots more to the show, but it's sort of hard to describe
http://www.diigo.comIf you browse or read a lot on the web, we believe you will find Diigo indispensable. Diigo is two services in one -- it is a research and collaborative research tool on the one hand, and a knowledge-sharing community and social content site on the other.
Atlas contains a series of interactive themed globes, broken down by subject areas: the app helps users put their world in context. Globe topics, such as environment, energy, population, communications and politics, are visualized by overlaying colour-coded layers of rich information on top of continents and countries. This is not a navigation app like Apple Maps or Google maps. This is an atlas, giving an overview of the world.
http://www.evernote.comOur goal at Evernote is to help the world remember everything, communicate effectively and get things done. From saving thoughts and ideas to preserving experiences to working efficiently with others, Evernote’s collection of apps make it easy to stay organized and productive.
http://www.kiva.orgKiva is the world's first and largest crowdfunding platform for social good. Kiva is a nonprofit organization that aims to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty and expand economic opportunity. Since 2005, Kiva and their growing global community of 950,000 lenders have crowdfunded more than $450 million in microloans to over 1 million entrepreneurs in 65 countries, with a 98.9% repayment rate. Visitors can browse the website to see profiles and stories of borrowers seeking loans for school tuitions and supplies, expanding their business, access to clean/green energy products and more. You can choose someone to lend $25 or more to and when your loan is repaid you can relend to another person or withdraw you money from the system.
Open Culture
http://www.openculture.comOpen Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community.
http://teuxdeux.comTeuxDeux is a simple, designy to-do app and the first collaboration between studiomates swissmiss and Fictive Kin. If you like making to-do lists, you will love TeuxDeux. The idea was to build a bare-bones, but visually compelling and highly usable to-do app: Use the free browser-based TeuxDeux at work/home and then take your to-dos on the road with the iPhone app.
Healthy Child Healthy World
http://healthychild.orgHealthy Child Healthy World ignites the movement that empowers parents to protect children from harmful chemicals. With a growing body of evidence linking everyday environmental contaminants to asthma, learning disabilities, obesity, cancer and more, Healthy Child translates the science and inspires parents and caregivers to create healthy environments where families can flourish.
ONE is a grassroots advocacy and campaigning organization that fights extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa, by raising public awareness and pressuring political leaders to support smart and effective policies and programs that are saving lives, helping to put kids in school and improving futures. Cofounded by Bono and other campaigners, ONE is nonpartisan and works closely with African activists and policy makers. LLC’s online and mobile properties are destinations for learning. Our goal: to empower word discovery and learning. We provide resources that create success for users in their schoolwork, careers, relationships, and life.
United Nations Foundation
http://www.unfoundation.orgIt takes all nations and all sectors to make progress on the most important and far-reaching international challenges. We are an advocate for the UN and a platform for connecting people, ideas and resources to help the United Nations solve global problems. We build partnerships, grow constituencies, mobilize resources and advocate policy changes to support the UN’s work for individual and global progress.
Al!ve (Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement)
http://www.volunteeralive.orgAL!VE serves to enhance and sustain the spirit of volunteering in America by fostering collaboration and networking, promoting professional development, and providing advocacy for leaders in community engagement. AL!VE is the essential professional resource and advocate for those who engage, motivate, and celebrate volunteers and their vital contributions to our society.
Remember the Milk
http://www.rememberthemilk.comManaging tasks is generally not a fun way to spend your time. We created Remember The Milk so that you no longer have to write your to-do lists on sticky notes, whiteboards, random scraps of paper, or the back of your hand. Remember The Milk makes managing tasks an enjoyable experience.
The Atlantic
http://www.theatlantic.comThe Atlantic covers news and analysis on politics, business, culture, technology, national, international and life on the official site of The Atlantic Magazine.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
http://www.peta.orgPETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in the clothing trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment industry.