http://www.landesa.orgLandesa’s mission is to improve the lives of the world’s poorest people. Recognizing that the lack of secure land rights is a root cause of global poverty, Landesa’s land law and policy experts help poor countries develop and implement land laws, policies, and programs that provide ladders out of poverty for their citizens and promote long-term economic growth.
Lava Mae
http://www.lavamae.orgStarted by Doniece Sandoval and other private citizens, Lava Mae is on a mission to restore dignity by addressing the massive shortage in showers and sanitation available to the homeless with its outfitted donated buses.
Mercy Corps
http://www.mercycorps.orgOur mission: to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities
Mother's Day Movement
http://mothersdaymovement.orgEach year, Mothers' Day Movement will conduct a campaign to raise money for a 501c-3 charity whose mission is to improve the lives of women and children. The organizations may operate in the developing world or right here in the United States.
Natural Resources Defense Council
http://www.nrdc.orgNRDC is the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the grassroots power of 1.3 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals.
ONE is a grassroots advocacy and campaigning organization that fights extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa, by raising public awareness and pressuring political leaders to support smart and effective policies and programs that are saving lives, helping to put kids in school and improving futures. Cofounded by Bono and other campaigners, ONE is nonpartisan and works closely with African activists and policy makers.
http://www.oxfam.orgOxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations working together in 90 countries and with partners and allies around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice.
PeacePlayers International
http://www.peaceplayersintl.orgBased on the premise that “children who play together can learn to live together,” PeacePlayers International's mission is to unite, educate and inspire young people in divided communities through basketball. Since inception in 2001, PPI has impacted more than 69,000 youth and trained 1,764 coaches from 15 countries in a groundbreaking peacebuilding-and-leadership development curriculum. Through year-round sports activities, PPI is bringing together children from opposite sides of religious, ethnic and cultural divides to develop friendship and mutual respect.
People United Kindness Calendar
http://kindnesscalendar.comA new website to capture, share and inspire acts of kindness. We want to celebrate the everyday and the extraordinary, and to inspire many more acts of kindness. So if you have a special story, have something you have been meaning to do for a while, or have a fabulous idea that would make someone’s day, you can submit your story to the calendar.
http://www.purpose.comPurpose creates 21st century movements. We deploy the collective power of millions of citizens and consumers to help solve some of the world’s biggest problems. We develop and launch our own social and consumer movements using our model of movement entrepreneurship, and we work with organizations and progressive companies to help them mobilize large-scale, purposeful action.
Raise Hope is a crowdfunding site for everyday people to raise money for life events, personal pursuits, community initiatives & worthy causes. - the crowdfunding site for social good!
Raiser Bot free fundraising toolkit for those interested in setting a goal and reaching it!
Random Acts of Kindness Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is the heart of the kindness movement whose aim is to help everyone create a better world by spreading awareness and increasing engagement in kind actions. The website is a platform where media, education, community, social networking and entertainment connect people with inspiration, tools, resources, organizations and a larger support network to help them take action, get involved, harvest and share the benefits of kind actions in their daily lives and society
See Click Fix
http://www.seeclickfix.comSeeClickFix allows anyone to report and track non-emergency issues anywhere in the world via the internet. This empowers citizens, community groups, media organizations and governments to take care of and improve their neighborhoods.
http://shoestringagency.orgSHOESTRING is an award-winning, full-service marketing communications agency that exclusively serves nonprofits. SHOESTRING was founded 10 years ago based on the belief that nonprofit organizations should not have to rely on pro bono agency left overs. We make services affordable through a unique business model and a set of priorities that allows us to put our expertise to work for good causes each and every day. We simply have a different bottom line.