Urban Zen

The Urban Zen Foundation creates, connects and collaborates to raise awareness and inspire change in the areas of well-being, preserving cultures and empowering children in mind, body and spirit. Urban Zen designs forums, partners with existing organizations and brings together experts to define solutions and implement action.

Lava Mae

Started by Doniece Sandoval and other private citizens, Lava Mae is on a mission to restore dignity by addressing the massive shortage in showers and sanitation available to the homeless with its outfitted donated buses. 

Designer Fund

The Designer Fund is an angel fund of designers. Our community gives angel funding, mentorship, and connections to entrepreneurial designers. Our mission is to invest in designers who create businesses with positive social impact. We accept applications and referrals from talented designers and match them with resources to succeed at any stage of their development, ranging from accelerator graduates to later stage companies post Series A financing. is a worldwide ethics network that provides an electronic platform for ethical reflection and action.The aim of is to ensure that people in all regions of the world are empowered to reflect and act on ethical issues. has developed its online libraries with nearly 1.5 million full-text documents (articles, journals, books, reference works, etc.) all available for free. The founding conviction of was that more equal access to knowledge resources in the field of applied ethics will enable persons and institutions from developing and transition economies to become more visible and audible in the global discourse on ethics. 

Develop Africa

Develop Africa is a 501c3 non-profit organization working to establish meaningful and sustainable development in Africa.  Develop Africa was birthed out of the vision that human resource development is the key to improving nation building capacity in Africa. 
Develop Africa is involved in a range of programs in Africa supporting education, microfinance and small businesses, job skills / leadership development training etc. For instance, we make a difference by providing books, school and teaching supplies, and scholarships. Additionally, we help provide job-related training to youths. We also help businesses by providing training and start-up or growth funds.

Mercy Corps

Our mission: to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities


ONE is a grassroots advocacy and campaigning organization that fights extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa, by raising public awareness and pressuring political leaders to support smart and effective policies and programs that are saving lives, helping to put kids in school and improving futures. Cofounded by Bono and other campaigners, ONE is nonpartisan and works closely with African activists and policy makers.

Clinton Global Initiative

President Bill Clinton established the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in 2005 to turn ideas into action. From presidents to academics, from the boardroom to the classroom, CGI members from all walks of life are creating positive change around the world.


Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations working together in 90 countries and with partners and allies around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice.

See Click Fix

SeeClickFix allows anyone to report and track non-emergency issues anywhere in the world via the internet. This empowers citizens, community groups, media organizations and governments to take care of and improve their neighborhoods.

People United Kindness Calendar

A new website to capture, share and inspire acts of kindness. We want to celebrate the everyday and the extraordinary, and to inspire many more acts of kindness. So if you have a special story, have something you have been meaning to do for a while, or have a fabulous idea that would make someone’s day, you can submit your story to the calendar.

Raiser Bot

A free fundraising toolkit for those interested in setting a goal and reaching it!

Jefferson Awards Foundation

The Jefferson Awards Foundation is the country’s most prestigious and longest standing organization dedicated to powering and celebrating public service. JAF’s programs accelerate and amplify service, training and activating Americans to take action, and to be leaders in schools, communities, workplaces and the world. With celebration, JAF says thank you, shares the stories of America’s best citizens, empowering them to do more and inspiring all to take action. 


Ashoka envisions an Everyone A Changemaker™ world: a world that responds quickly and effectively to social challenges, and where each individual has the freedom, confidence and societal support to address any social problem and drive change. Ashoka strives to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector: one that allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world’s citizens to think and act as changemakers. 

Coffee Stories

Coffee Stories is a pay-it-forward storytelling project offering a voice to everyday coffee shop-goers via gifted coffees. Coffee Stories was created to spread coffee kindness and create community, to offer a medium for our society to empathize with each other over common pieces -- coffee and stories. We're striving to make ordering a 'coffee stories' coffee' as ubiquitous and quotidian as ordering a coffee for yourself; to leave the coffee shop kinder, more hospitable than we found it, and to listen attentively to what others think, feel, and are moved by.