(Soloviova Liudmyla / Shutterstock.com)
The human body is an amazing work of art. Each of the nine body systems has a unique purpose – even though they all work together – in keeping your body functioning and healthy.
Paying attention to your whole-body in your wellness routine ensures you are not only surviving but also thriving! Discover these five head-to-toe wellness tips to help you feel your best.
Calm Your Mind With Meditation
Non-stop, busy lifestyles can create anxiety and fatigue, and all that stress can lead to disease and burnout. Sometimes you need to take a step back and take the time to relax your body and your mind.
Clearing your mind through meditation helps manage stress so you don’t feel overwhelmed, according to the Mayo Clinic. It gives you a chance to slow down, process emotions, and release. Not sure which type of meditation is best for you? Find out your meditation style and let the calming begin.

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Open Your Lungs With Expansive Breathing
Breathing is automatic but practicing breathing exercises can provide powerful healing for the lungs and overall health. Expansive breathing exercises increase lung capacity and infuse the body with oxygen it needs to function, according to Everyday Health. It also promotes physical health, by helping to balance blood pressure. Breathing exercises could support mental health, too, by helping to alleviate stress. It’s a win-win for overall well-being!

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Support Your Gut With Balanced Eating
It might seem surprising, but science continues to reveal the connection between the gut and overall health. The gut plays a huge role in individuals' daily lives, from controlling moods to balancing energy levels, explained a blog from Atlas Biomed.
Fueling the body with a healthy, balanced diet filled with vitamins and minerals promotes digestion and boosts gut health. . Avoid foods that are processed or contain too much sugar. Instead, eat probiotic gut-healthy foods like kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, tempeh, kimchi, sourdough bread, and certain cheeses. By eliminating unhealthy foods and restoring your body with essential vitamins and minerals, you can hit the reset button to reach optimal health.

(Natalia Lisovskaya / Shutterstock.com)
Balance Your Womb With Healthy Habits
Ladies, this one's for you although male reproductive health is also important to safeguard. As with everything in life, balance is key. This is particularly important when it comes to the pH levels. Maintaining a healthy vaginal pH can influence a woman's overall health, according to Teen Vogue. Women experience an imbalance in their vaginal pH for many reasons, such as harsh soaps, antibiotics, and diet. You can support womb health by adding probiotics to your diet, using natural body soaps, and practicing good hygiene.

(Tomsickova Tatyana / Shutterstock.com)
Relax Your Feet With Reflexology
Reflexology stems from Traditional Chinese Medicine and is one of the many holistic treatments that aid recovery of mental, physical, and emotional levels. Certain reflex points in the feet are linked to organs and glands, according to mindbodygreen. It is believed that stimulating these through reflexology sends signals up and through the body to decrease blood pressure, promote healthy circulation and in turn enhance overall well-being.
With 15,000 nerves in your feet alone, it’s no wonder people rant and rave about this therapeutic treatment! In fact, some people feel more relaxed after a reflexology session than they do after a full-body massage! Who knew that a simple foot massage could ignite whole-body relaxation?

(Kzenon / Shutterstock.com)