Introducing the 5 Pillars of Wellness

Learn the building blocks of a meaningful life.

Healthy and mindful woman running on the beach.

(Song_about_summer /

What are the building blocks to feeling good and living a full life? When you incorporate wellness, you’ll create a well-rounded, abundant life in which you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.

Life may not always go as planned, when you take the time to nurture the five pillars of wellbeing, you’ll create a foundation of strength to navigate through challenges. Most importantly, you’ll create an inner joy and sense of purpose that inspires those around you.


Even the richest man has nothing without good health. Your wellness routine should certainly include healthy daily habits to care for your physical and emotional health. You can find so much information out there when it comes to staying healthy that it might feel overwhelming. Actually, a few simple rules will go a long way when it comes to supporting health. 

This study published in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment suggests the “triad” for maintaining good physical and mental health. That means eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, and regular physical activity. And if you want to throw in a few bonus points, make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid toxins, like smoking or too much alcohol

Eat healthy food to stay well.

(Antonina Vlasova /


You can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control your mindset. When you develop a positive attitude, you hold the power to achieve anything in life. You’ll also have stronger resilience to navigate challenges despite setbacks.

Carol S. Dweck is considered the go-to expert when it comes to mindset. She spent decades researching the impact of how your view of the world shapes your life. On her Mindset Works website, Dweck recognized two types of mindsets: fixed and growth. 

Someone with a fixed mindset considers intelligence and talent as something innate, something that you are born with that never changes. People with a fixed mindset think that if they’re not good at something, they will never be. As a result, they tend to give up before ever trying and hold themselves back from pursuing their dreams.

People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, see intelligence as something they can develop. Through hard work, they can become better and better at something and achieve anything. A growth mindset also means looking at challenges as learning experiences, rather than a dead-end.

Ultimately, having a growth mindset will help you achieve a more meaningful life with limitless potential. With a growth mindset: life isn’t happening to you, it’s happening for you. When setbacks arise, which they inevitably do, see them as opportunities for growth. Stick to a growth mindset. Keep trying and work hard to build the life of your dreams.


Have a growth mindset.

(TaTa Idea /


According to research published onJstor,  spirituality is defined as a relationship with a power greater than yourself. It can also mean nurturing aspects of life such as purpose, meaning, and direction.

There is a strong connection between spirituality and wellbeing. That’s because spirituality helps overcome difficult circumstances in life. Spirituality helps forgive and let go of negative emotions. It may even help you live longer!

Spirituality can mean different things to different people. Sure, you can turn to a religious background for spiritual support, such as through attending a congregation, regular prayer, or following religious traditions. Spirituality can also mean finding greater meaning outside of yourself, such as through serving your community or helping care for people in your family. Meditation practices have become increasingly popular to nurture the spirit. 

Regardless of your beliefs, you can find a way to nurture spirituality that works for you and benefit from this important pillar of wellbeing.

Spirituality is a part of wellness.

(EveMax /


Relationships provide a foundational element to emotional wellbeing. People need someone to turn to, to feel loved, included, and supported. According to the Huffington Post, having caring people in your corner helps overcome challenges, especially during stressful situations. 

A relationship cannot survive without intention. Both people need to put in the work and the time to create supportive, healthy relationships. To nurture your relationships, Psychology Today suggests maintaining kind, honest communication. And, when disagreements happen, both need to keep an open mind and willingness to work things out. 

Most of all, relationships should make you feel good! Whether a family member, a life partner, or a good friend, your relationships will ultimately provide the fun, love, and laughter to get through life. You should spend time with people who love you, the way you are, and vice-versa. So you can both let your authentic selves shine and share the highs and the lows of life together. 

Two people who have a healthy relationship.

(Samuel Borges Photography /


Everyone has a unique calling, a passion driving them from deep within. The Merriam Webster Dictionary describes purpose as an aim or goal. It’s an ever-evolving need within each person that helps live a more meaningful life. When you learn to live according to your purpose, life feels effortless. You live in the flow

The trouble happens when people ignore their inner voice. Instead of following their heart, they live their life according to others’ expectations. They lose sight of what really matters and miss out on their sense of purpose.

So what is your purpose? The answer to the question is different for everyone. Take the time to listen to the inner voice inside. Experiment with activities, like your dream job, a hobby, or volunteering. When you take the time to nurture this pillar of wellbeing, you will experience a life full of meaning and joy. 


Live a life with ourpose.

(Joshua Jay Koppelman /